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Abstracts Submissions



Abstracts must not be longer than 300 words.


Abstracts should be submitted through EasyChair conference system via button link below before May 16, 2016

The abstracts will be screened by the Scientific Committee and the decision will be informed by June 16th, 2016.


Please note that you have to submit the full paper if the abstract is accepted by July 16th, 2016.



Abstracts should be submitted directly to Dr Malek at his email address before May 16th, 2016

Full Papers Submissions


Full paper must be formatted according to the provided template.

Full paper should be submitted through EasyChair conference system via this link before July 16th, 2016. Each paper will be blind-reviewed by at least two Scientific Committees. Please note that full papers must be original and have not been/will not be published elsewhere.


Selected papers will be promoted to publish in an international journals.



⁠Selected papers will be published at Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine (MJPHM) or HFEM 1st Volume Journal (Human Factors and Ergonomics Journal).







Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine (MJPHM) is the official Journal of Malaysian Public Health Physicians’ Association. This is peer-reviewed Journal was founded in 2001 with the main objective of providing a platform for publication of scientific articles in the areas of public health medicine. The Journal is published in two volumes per year.

Instructions for authors can be found in the link below.





Human Factors and Ergonomics Journal (HFEJ) is the first official Malaysian Journal dedicated to Ergonomics Factors. This is peer-reviewed Journal was founded in 2015 with the main objective of providing a platform for publication of scientific articles in the areas of Engineering, Medical, Psychological and other Ergonomics improvement . The Journal is published in four volumes per year.

Instructions for authors can be found in the link below.

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